Monday, January 25, 2016

Wee Heavy - Northern Brewer All Grain Kit

On December 15 I brewed the Northern Brewer Wee Heavy all grain kit.  Everything went as expected except for the fact that I apparently got my water chemistry under control and my efficiency went through the roof coming out at about 96%!  The highest I have ever gotten on this system was about 70 so friends....  WATER MATTERS or at least PH does...  My OG was 1.098 when the estimate was 1.083.  Using the FastFerment I had the ability to dump yeast and did so twice in the first 2 weeks.  When I hit the 4th week the yeast catcher was only half full and had been at about that level for over a week, so I took the opportunity when dumping to check the gravity.....  I found that the fermentation was stuck at about 1.031!  After a bit of reading I decided to pitch another package of yeast.  I am now going to give it another 2 weeks and then keg.  I have noticed about a quarter inch of yeast cake in the catcher since I pitched (about 5 days ago) so I am guessing something is happening slowly.  There is definitely no visible bubbling in the airlock.

*** Update (2/9/16)

The FG came out at 1.025 putting ABV at about 9.7%  The Wee Heavy I made last year came out at about 8.5%.  It is now kegged and should be carbed up by Wednesday 2/10.

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