Monday, February 1, 2016

Infection!!! (Maybe....)

The 5 Kilowatt Blond is infected!  I think I have narrowed the problem down to a problem with the keg.  The previous beer that I had in that keg (Rusty Irish Red) was infected as well.  I am not sure what is going on because before I used this keg for the Blonde I totally disassembled it, cleaned all the parts with hot PBW, rinsed, re assembled, rinsed again, filled it with StarSan, let it stand for 2 hours,  forced out all the StarSan with CO2, and left the thing pressurized until I was ready to fill it.  All the seals on this particular keg were replaced in October and each time I clean it I pay special attention to them to make sure they get cleaned and soaked for a long time in StarSan.  The only thing I can think of is if the dip tube has an infection inside that I have not gotten cleaned out.  I am not even sure what kind of tool you would use.  I guess a very small bottle brush...

*** Update ***

Someone on suggested using a hydration line cleaning brush.  I found one on amazon.  Looks like that might just fix my problem!

*** Update  (2/9/16)

Ok.... after being in the keg for another week and a half I am wondering if the off taste is actually yeast and sediment.  The beer is now crystal clear and although the citris taste from the Citra hops is very pronounced on the back end it no longer tastes sour to me....  I am going to have some others taste it to see if I am crazy.

 *** Update (2/15/16)

It is clear at this point that there is no infection and that adding .75 oz of Citra in the last 10 minutes of the boil had a BIG effect on the beer.  The flavor no longer has a sour taste but a slightly tart citrus flavor in the finish.  The beer is now crystal clear has a very strong long lasting head and the nose is definitely more pronounced.   

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